Tackling risk, resilience and security in a changing world

8월 18, 2023


a group of people standing together

when worlds collide

Today’s citizens have come to expect and rely on secure, critical government services, 随着网络和物理风险的融合,安全正受到威胁.

On the cyber side of things, 物联网(iot)设备的指数级增长和新的家庭工作期望正在扩展网络边界,增加了网络攻击的潜在风险. add to that, the dark web, where sensitive government data can be sold anonymously, 使政府系统成为信息盗窃和协同攻击的目标.

On the physical side, a rise in vandalism, 恐怖主义和骚乱对民用和国防基础设施以及业务连续性的威胁越来越大. And severe weather events and natural disasters, resulting from climate change, 是否让政府在最需要的时候提供服务和保障公民安全变得几乎不可能

together, 这些风险使得政府和城市更加难以完全遵守日益严格的数据主权和隐私法规,从而可能面临侵权罚款和诉讼.

曾经' s reality

new bold, 要应对当今最重大的威胁,需要提供安全和弹性的主动战略. 

unfortunately, when budgets are strained, risk mitigation measures are often first on the cutting block, especially when incidents haven’t yet hit close to home. 然而,现实情况是,每个政府机构都是攻击的潜在目标. in fact, 2022年下半年,针对政府的网络攻击激增了95%,  and it’s estimated that by 2025, 30%的关键基础设施组织将遭遇安全漏洞.   联合国建议各国政府努力使城市和人类住区更具包容性,凸显了当今现实的严酷, safe, resilient and sustainable.

and so, while budgets may strain, 很明显,政府和城市必须把恢复力和安全作为重中之重. 确保关键服务可用并保护敏感数据, particularly in times of unexpected crisis, is critical. 此外,防止网络和物理攻击造成的潜在经济损失也是一项明智的投资. In addition to the material impacts, 政府机构需要考虑公民的信任,由于服务延误和中断,公民的信任可能会严重受损或完全丧失. finally, and perhaps most importantly, safeguarding citizens by providing essential health, safety and protection is paramount.

Technology brings rewards and risks

对提高运营敏捷性的数字化计划的需求, efficiency and productivity has never been greater. With digitalisation, government organisations can take advantage of iot technologies, automated workflows, 利用实时数据做出更好的决策,并实施智能建筑应用.

however, today’s connected people, 对象和进程也意味着威胁可以在整个系统中迅速传播, 设备和应用程序使黑客更容易在整个网络中扩展他们的范围. 数字化还可以在网络风险和物理风险之间建立联系. for example, 不法分子可以远程侵入数据中心,或者通过破解电子门锁获得物理访问权限. additionally, IT/OT融合为攻击信息资源和关键建筑系统创造了新的机会.

新技术也可以用来支持或反对政府组织. Artificial intelligence (AI) for example helps to prevent, protect and accelerate responses to cyber and physical threats, 但它也使不法分子能够破解政府系统的密码. in future, 我们需要为量子计算的类似情况做好准备, 这将帮助政府解决复杂的问题,同时也使解密敏感信息变得更容易.

A framework for success

政府和城市必须提高预防、防范和应对威胁的能力. Doing nothing is not an option. 在风险继续成倍增加的情况下,继续依赖过时和孤立的网络和通信技术,从任何角度来看都不是可行的办法.

As governments and cities grow, 技术合作伙伴可以帮助实现符合其需求的框架. The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Risk, Resilience and security (RRS) framework includes the processes, 政府和城市需要预测最佳实践和解决方案, monitor, avoid and counter exposure to cyber and physical risks.

working together, ALE can help governments and cities identify their unique set of risks and choose solutions to address them; bridge the gaps between cyber and physical security, and resilience; and help make the case for budget approvals with subscription-based models.

Learn how ALE is helping governments and cities address, risk, resilience and security to ensure critical services and citizen safety.


xavier mongin


xavier mongin是阿尔卡特朗讯企业酒店部门的全球总监, based in dubai. 他在酒店火狐体育手机有20多年的经验. Prior to this role he managed South East Europe, africa, turkey, India and the Middle East/africa regions. 泽维尔是一个优秀的沟通者,在不同文化的复杂谈判中有着丰富的经验. With a desire to share his experience and passion for innovation, 他与人共同创立了许多创业企业,并指导了多家初创企业.

Xavier is a member of the french Business Council, 法国技术迪拜和超级高铁运输技术贡献者.




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