Tackling cybersecurity in the ITS sector

kyle stetar blog author image
6월 30, 2023


its americas博客

在过去两年的动荡时期,我们的信息技术网络出现了漏洞,不法分子得以抬头,发动了一连串的网络攻击. 事实上,最近的一份报告表明,网络事件已经上升了 whopping 600 percent over this dark period.

As the world settles into its new normal, 各火狐体育手机正面临着重新审视其网络安全战略的挑战. in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)部门,这意味着重新思考和现代化网络安全,以防范当今的威胁.

previously, 发动这种规模的网络攻击需要大量的资源,只有国家行为者或大型组织才能获得. 然而,今天的工具更容易访问,也更容易利用漏洞. Each connection comes with a cybersecurity risk ― at some level. And as transportation becomes more connected, 车辆可以与其他车辆和基础设施实时交换信息, 摧毁整个交通系统的机会只会越来越多. 随着每一个系统和子系统的连接,新技术的扩散进入 transportation networks, the need for robust cybersecurity measures increases. To increase efficiency and automation, 运营技术(OT)和信息技术(IT)的融合将加速, and more systems will be integrated with the connected road, remotely supervised by the Operation Control Centre (OCC).

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交通运输火狐体育手机的可靠网络防御方法必须考虑数据网络,因为这是大多数网络漏洞的来源. 了解网络漏洞可以让IT人员在攻击影响关键任务系统和公共安全之前阻止攻击. for example, 如果网络交换机保持默认配置,黑客只需下载现成的用户手册,就可以找到潜在的安全漏洞并渗透到系统中.

additionally, IT需要考虑基于规则的安全策略,使用分层的访问方法来确保根用户, super admins, and admin-level users are clearly defined, and that the levels of access control are consistently enforced.

零信任网络安全策略可以保护组织的资源, as well as the network, by focusing on protecting access to the resources. 零信任假设攻击者已经存在并准备好进行攻击——没有隐性信任. 微观和宏观分段确保访问仅限于发出请求时所需的资源. 零信任对每个内部和外部人员一视同仁地应用多层安全保护, system, subsystem, application, and device that attempts to access the network. for example, 如果有人想连接一个他们没有权限的摄像头, an intelligent network switch can detect and reject that attempt. 这样的系统还可以检查数据包内部,以确定是否允许某些流量. 此外,所有网络资源都被持续扫描,以查找异常或恶意活动.

While each transportation operator’s requirements are unique, 以下五个要素是评估和实施保安策略的关键步骤:

1. monitor:识别需要保护的数据类型、应用、资产和网络服务

2. validate评估数据流,包括云环境和网络资源如何交互

3. plan:围绕数据类型、应用程序、资产和服务构建和划分网络

4. simulate:开发和测试策略,以验证其保护所有网络资源

5. enforce:持续监控,发现违规行为,纠正和加强政策

security baked - in

在阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司,我们通过内置的安全保护,帮助运输运营商实现其ITS网络愿景的现代化. We deliver reliable, high-level functionality, greater resilience and network security by design, even in the most challenging transportation conditions. 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniSwitch®系列交换机将企业级功能从数据中心一直带到边缘,其omniswitch 6865和omniswitch李昊星系列产品旨在支持需要在极端环境下运行的关键任务应用. These switches can withstand challenging indoor/outdoor, extreme heat/cold transportation environments, 而智能软件则保证了可靠的性能和安全性. additionally, 这些坚固耐用的交换机可以堆叠以创建虚拟机箱,并专门为运输和交通控制系统设计.

ALE OmniSwitch系列产品已经过现场验证,并在全球范围内部署于所有火狐体育手机. ALE products undergo real-world trials, 包括渗透测试,以应对当今日益增长的网络威胁. But security isn’t just about our products. ALE内部新成立的一个组织正在努力确保在组织级别集成和管理安全性. 这种安全的文化方法使我们与竞争对手区别开来. From designers to developers, ALE incorporates security considerations at every level, ensuring cyber protections are intrinsic at every stage, from design through to support.

ALE强大的网络解决方案提供了使ITS成为现实所需的保护,并帮助运输运营商向更安全的方向发展, more secure tomorrow.

kyle stetar blog author image

kyle stetar

Director of Strategic partnerships, Transportation

Kyle在包括智能交通系统在内的交通系统的商业领导和应用工程方面拥有超过15年的经验, Mass-Transit and Aerospace, 并且热衷于用技术来改善出行结果.




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